SAML IDP & SP for Your Development

Upload Your IDP Metadata

Your app is acting as an IDP and SAML Box (this website) is acting as SP

Drag and drop files here

Upload Your SP Metadata

Your app is acting as an SP and SAML Box (this website) is acting as IDP

Drag and drop files here

About This Platform

Welcome to SAML BOX. This platform can act as both Identity Provider (IDP) and Service Provider (SP) for your SAML development or integration.

With this platform, you can:

Here is an example with SAML BOX as SP and OKTA as IDP:


How to Use This Platform


First, identify whether you want SAML BOX (this platform) to be either IDP or SP.

Next, in order for your app to trust SAML BOX, you will need to import the SAML BOX metadata to your application. You can get them from below:

After that, you need to upload your app's metadata to this platform.

  • If you want this platform to be an SP, 'Upload Your IDP Metadata' above.
  • If you want this platform to be IDP, 'Upload Your SP Metadata' above.

Once your metadata has been uploaded and validated, you will come to a landing page where you have a list of SAML actions available. Copy and save the URL.

Then, you can adjust settings for the SAML SSO and start testing the login flow.

You can also view server logs for troubleshooting:

A Shared Platform

This platform is open and shared. SAML Entity information uploaded is identified by its Entity ID. Hence, to avoid being overwritten by others, best practice is to choose a unique SAML Entity ID when uploading metadata.

Platform Overview and FAQ

Check out Overview and FAQ for more information about SAML BOX.